Corporate Certification

GBDA awards three types of Business Quality Level (BQL) certifications.

Business Quality Level 1

BQL 1 is attained when all employees complete their Growth Practitioner (BGP) certification.

Upon initial certification, the corporation must continue to ensure new employees receive a BGP certification.

GBDA may conduct an audit to confirm BGP certification requirements are met.

Business Quality Level 2

Corporations attain BQL 2 certification when all of the corporation's business developers receive their Business Development Professional (BDP) or Business Development Professional Plus (BDP+) certification.

Upon initial BQL 2 certification, the corporation must continue to ensure new business developers have a BDP or BDP+ certification.

GBDA may conduct an audit to confirm business developer certifications are in good standing.

Business Quality Level 3

BQL 3 requires corporations to conduct annual customer experience surveys with their customers.

BQL 3 certification is attained when the corporation provides the anonymized survey data to GBDA.

GBDA may conduct annual audits to confirm customer lists are consistent with the annual survey data.

Did your company complete a BQL certification requirement?

If yes, then congratulations!

Please fill out this form to notify us and we will send a BQL certificate to your company.

Request your BQL certificate.

First Name
Last Name
E-mail address
Company name and bql level attained
Thank you!
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